Post here, folks!
Preston (Oklahoma)
2/10/2013 05:42:18 am

Atticus seems to be an example of the perfect American gentleman, he does the best he can for his children, and stays with his morals entirely.

2/21/2013 11:32:11 am

When you say that Atticus does the best he can for his children I totally agree considering that very few other parents in their town try to teach their children to be fair and treat everyone as equals.

Elizabeth Rudolph (Indiana)
2/24/2013 05:41:09 am

I think it seems that Atticus has the best family in town. Not many of the other fathers seem to be raising their children very well however Atticus seems to be a fantastic father and he doesn't even have a wife. He is definitely teaching his children how to behave unlike the other fathers in the town.

Anandi J. (OK)
3/3/2013 07:54:43 am

I agree. Atticus is teaching his children not to judge based on skin color. As Jem begins to grow up he analyses what is going on and starts to understand it better. Out of all the kids in maycomb i think Jem and Scout are the most open to everyone because of Atticus.

Bridgette (Oklahoma)
3/3/2013 11:47:15 am

Atticus is the ideal father, any child would want to have him has a dad. He never makes his children feel like they are beneath him, it's really amazing to read about such an amazing father figure when there are so many people raising children who are unfit parents.

Braedon Menchhofer (Indiana)
3/10/2013 08:22:29 am

Atticus is an awesome father. He is the best dad you could ask for. He is a great role model to his children. He does not tell his children to judge on skin color. He treats everyone the same and truly is really kind to everybody.

Emalyn (Indiana)
3/11/2013 05:56:47 am

I think Atticus is the best father anyone could ask for! He is easy to talk to, and cares for his children. He treats everyone the same and is an excellent role model. He knows right from wrong and sticks to his decisions. He doesn't nag on his children, but lifts them up and makes them feel awesome. He spreads joy to others and gives his children the best life possible for him to deliver. He would do anything for them!

Victoria Smead (Indiana)
3/11/2013 09:06:53 am

Atticus is such the "ideal father." He seems to be so fair and logical when raising his children. He never really seems to get angry with the kids and he always seems to have a good time with them. Even though he does have to be harsh at times when the kids break the rules, he is very reasonable in his punishments. I totally agree Bridgette that some people now in the United States are fit to be parents and to raise children, and for a change it was enjoyable to read how close a family could and usually is.

3/11/2013 10:23:41 am

I really enjoyed reading about Atticus. The book made me want him to be my father. He's the perfect gentleman and not only represented Tom, but respected him and every horrible person despite their skin color or unpleasantness. It's amazing that he has so much belief in others and teaches his children to live their lives that way as well.

Quinn C.
3/11/2013 12:26:35 pm

He is the example of a perfect father, but one thing that struck me as a little unuasual was that his children called him Atticus instead of dad or father or papa. I thought an example of how he was such a good father was that the thing that bothered his kids the most was not him spanking them, but rather him being disappointed in them.

3/10/2013 06:31:59 am

I agree. Atticus is a figure of authority to me after finishing the book, just as he is to his children. He's not overbearing and he doesn't ask too much of the children. He's loving and is always open to discussion with Scout and Jem, whatever the question. He's easy going and not wishy-washy and doesn't take things too personally. He's practically an ideal individual and I wish more people like him existed.

Hadley Gaff
3/11/2013 12:23:29 pm

I feel the same. He had very unusual views for his area, since he was against their racist nature. This made him an even more enjoyable character though. He was the perfect dad and was so willing to help and teach his children.

Amy Hausfeld indiana
3/10/2013 01:08:30 pm

I think that Atticus is a perfect example of an ideal father. As they say in the book he is the same on the streets as he is in his home. This is a great characteristic of a father. He teaches the finch kids many things about life and I thought it was great that he was teaching Scout to read because it is good to be promoting a child's education.

Teagan Bowie (indiana)
3/11/2013 07:13:45 am

The interesting thing about that though is that he is seen stupid and very un-American by defending the negro man.

Brandon (Indiana)
3/11/2013 09:41:28 am

I agree that Atticus portrays what a perfect American gentlemen. The way that he treats his children with such love and care shows us that he is a responsible and grateful adult and father. I also like how he teaches his kids how to treat everyone equally.

Hadley Gaff
3/11/2013 12:20:36 pm

A major part of why Atticus is the way he is is becuase he is the foil to Bob Ewell. He has all the best characteristics and they bring out the worst in Bob. They both make each other into the extremes. But i do agree he is a wonderful example of the perfect American gentleman.

Megan Green (Indiana)
2/10/2013 06:27:15 am

I think Atticus is a good role model for his children. He treats them as equals even though they're still pretty young. And you can see how this environment, where Atticus and his children have respect for eachother, has groomed Jem and Scout for the real world. Atticus also shows them how poorly the Blacks were treated and why this is so awful. I found my self rooting for Atticus during the case despite the knowing what the outcome would be.

Annette (Indiana)
3/10/2013 06:37:04 am

I agree on this aspect too. Atticus does treat his children like equals. He doesn't hide anything from them and always is protective. I wish more people in my life would treat me as an equal because too many people or, I guess, teens like us are judged to be inferior just because we have less experience than adults. Rightly so, sometimes though, we still should be valued for our opinions and our questions and shouldn't be denied our right to knowledge and progress, or else we won't be able to learn anything at all.

Joshua (Oklahoma)
2/10/2013 10:38:41 am

Atticus is the perfect example of how a father should lead as an example to his kids. Even though he is in one of the biggest situations of his life he shows poise and great composure dealing with the Tom Robinson case and his kids messing with the Radley family. His actions reflect his personality perfectly. He is the perfect role model in this story.

Caitlin (Oklahoma)
2/13/2013 07:59:50 am

I cannot help but love Atticus! He is so patient, smart, and kind. He is probably the wisest man ever! I love the relationship he has with Scout and Jem. He treats them as adults and never yells. He's not sticking to the status quo in the town of Maycomb, and is raising his kids to be different and kind. I love Atticus!

Jessica B. (Oklahoma)
3/1/2013 12:04:31 pm

I really admire Atticus as well. My favorite thing about him has to be how he has raised his children. I loved when Scout said that she had learned possibly everything but algebra. Atticus realizes that academics are not the most important lessons; he believes moral education will get you farther in life. Obviously it does, because if Harper Lee's father was half the man Atticus is, I think we all know who she learned the lessons in To Kill a Mockingbird from.

Maddie H.
2/14/2013 08:37:44 am

I really like Atticus! He seems like a really good guy and a great father. He is really good to Scout and Jem, he's preparing them for how things are going to be when they move out of the house. He also talks to them about the Blacks and how bad others treat them and how they shouldn't treat people like that. Atticus it definitely my favorite person in the book so far. Great guy.

Ashley S. (Indiana)
2/16/2013 02:12:51 am

I think Atticus is a really good character to have in this story. He is always kind to his children and talks to them about life. He is smart and always knows what to say to adults as well as children. I also like the fact that he never really yells. Atticus is probably my favorite character so far.

Luke U. (IN)
2/27/2013 10:29:05 am

Atticus is certainly a great role model for the two Finch kids. He helps Jem and Sout with thier problems and gives them advice on life. Atticus gives them advice about life and I also think Atticus is my favorite charater in the book.

Storm (OK)
3/3/2013 11:36:08 am

I agree with Atticus being my favorite character. He is the type of person that even back then does not agree with the treatment and predjudice that some people recieve. He also is a good father in the aspect of how he brought up Jem and Scout (except for Scout's slight mischevious adventures).

Bryce (Indiana
3/5/2013 11:40:01 pm

I think Atticus is a major role model for not only his own kids in the novel but also for anybody that has read this book. He knows exactly how to talk to anyone no matter what it is about. The thing that I really like about Atticus is the fact that he doesn't need to yell to get his point across. He is probably the smartest character that I have ever read about in a book. He was by far my favorite character in this book.

Luke (Indiana
3/9/2013 09:48:14 am

Good point. Atticus is dfiantly a great role model for anyone reading the book. He is also a great role model for other characters in the book. He is always nice to others and that makes him a person people can look up to.

Hayden (Indiana)
3/11/2013 07:52:58 am

I agree, Atticus seems to be the perfect match for the to children. He is always helping them with their problems and he even taught them to read. I think that Atticus may be my favorite character also.

Connor (Oklahoma)
2/16/2013 06:13:00 am

The book's main character is Scout, but somehow to me it feels like Atticus plays a bigger role. The relationship that was between Harper Lee and her father must have been very interesting. I am not sure if it was the way Lee described it in the book. Lee's father was "Amasa", can't decide if Atticus is a cooler name.

Tori A. (Indiana)
2/20/2013 06:12:12 am

I think it seems like Atticus is a bigger part of the book because he is such a big part of Scout's life. The book is in Scout's point of view so you get to hear her thoughts as well as what she is thinking. She refers back to Atticus a lot in the book so maybe that's why it seems like Atticus plays a bigger role.

Nick R. (Oklahoma)
2/24/2013 10:39:06 am

Scout even though she is free to choose her own path -as I feel all children should be aloud to do to a extent- is more than willing to follow and support her family. No matter what she seems to believe is right or wrong she supports Jim and Atticus even if it goes against her better judgement.

Quinn C.
3/11/2013 12:29:37 pm

I would have to agree that Atticus seems like a bigger part of the book. It refers to him a lot and the court room scenes and trial had a major impact on the book and that was basically all Atticus.

Zoe Toscos (Indiana)
2/17/2013 03:22:19 am

In my opinion, Atticus is a really good father. He seems to really care about his children and they seem to love him too. I think he has raised them really well, even if some people don't agree. I also think its really courageous that he is a lawyer for a black person in a very racist community. I think that his profession also has a positive influence on his parenting.

Maddie Rooney (Indiana)
3/10/2013 06:53:05 am

I agree that Atticus is a great father. He is one of those characters that you can't help but loving because he just seems like a good person. He definitely has a lot of courage standing up for what is right, when others think differently.

Elizabeth R. (Indiana)
2/17/2013 05:35:29 am

I think that Atticus Finch is the ideal American citizen and a great father as well. I like how he teaches his son how to be a proper gentlemen. I also like how he tells his kids not to let the opinions of others bother them. He is very wise and intelligent and I think he takes care of his children well.

Jeffrey H. (Oklahoma)
2/18/2013 01:30:00 am

Atticus is essentially the model of a father. He has great ethics, and he teaches his children acceptable ethics. He is the one lawyer in all of Maycomb who took the Tom Robinson case willingly and actually tries his absolute hardest to get Tom aquitted.

Ben Weber (Indiana)
2/18/2013 08:29:33 am

Atticus seems like a good person. He seems like a very good father, especially for to kids without a mother. Atticus seems to always know what he is talking about when it comes to Maycomb and many other topics too. Just the fact that he is the only lawyer in his town makes him resemble a hard working man. Overall, Atticus gives very good advice to his children and is a good parent.

Adam (IN)
2/18/2013 08:43:31 am

I think Atticus does a great job parenting considering the circumstances. As a single father with radical beliefs in a town which is less than accepting, he does well explaining the tough questions to his kids. He makes smart deisions which benefit the kids, not selfish decisions which only benefit him. He is selfless and I would consider him the best father in the town.

Rocktim (Indiana)
2/18/2013 09:17:20 am

Atticus said to Uncle Jack, "Jack! When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness' sake. But don't make a production of it" (Lee 116). This shows Atticus's belief about answering children honestly. He also seems to be the only person in the town with a purely unbiased view on legal rights.

Hayden (Indiana)
3/11/2013 07:57:03 am

That is a great example of Atticus's beliefs. He is completely unbiased on legal rights and seems like he is the only "normal citizen" in the entire town.

Emily B (Oklahoma)
2/19/2013 01:15:53 am

Whenever Jem finds out that Bob Ewell had threatened to kill Atticus, Jem was extremely worried about Atticus; however, Atticus told Jem to "stand in Bob Ewell's shoes a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial... if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that's something I'll gladly take." Even when Atticus had every reason to hate Mr. Ewell, he was still compassionate and understanding.

Mykenzie Kostka (Indiana)
2/19/2013 03:48:56 am

Throughout the book, Atticus is strong. The court case and the preparation must have been tiring and stressful, but he still managed to be strong for his kids and the community. If he showed any weakness, his kids might have lost faith in him. The only flaw I saw in Atticus was his inability to stand up to Aunt Alexandra at first. Aunt Alexandra tried making Scout a lady, but Scout didn't want to change. Atticus should have stood up for Scout like he did for Tom and apply his teachings of accepting everyone for who they are. Eventually, Aunt Alexandra excepts Scout for who she is though.

Demi - OK
2/19/2013 03:50:34 am

I really admire Atticus. He doesn't shelter the kids from the "unpleasant truths" of Maycomb County. I think they need to know what's going on as they grow up, and Atticus does that. Atticus also believes that every man, black or white, has the right to be heard. By defending Tom Robinson, he stands up for those rights and spits (for lack of a better word) in the faces of those who think that Blacks should stay quiet and yield to the white man's racism. Atticus is very honorable and brave. He could have said "everyone should be equal" and then stayed quiet and refused Tom's case, but instead he faced his oppressors and critics and did it anyway for Tom's sake and future cases like Tom's. He's not afraid to set the example, and I highly respect him for that. Atticus is exceptional. I love him.

Dejanece (Oklahoma)
2/19/2013 03:56:40 am

I think Atticus is a great role model to the kids. He is very intelligent, and is honest with Scout and Jem. He also does whats best for them.

Noah M (Indiana)
2/19/2013 04:51:45 am

Atticus is, quite possibly, my favorite character from this book. He's complex: a lawyer who cares about his client but also about the other side, who raises two children, and tries to educate them when the school doesn't, who can shoot the best in the county but seems almost ashamed of it. He's a mess of seeming contradictions, but that's what makes him interesting.

Mykenzie Kostka (Indiana)
2/24/2013 08:24:40 am

I liked how you described Atticus. He does kind of live two lives, but he does a good job at both.

Sophie [Indiana]
2/19/2013 06:16:33 am

I think Atticus Finch is a representation of what the ideal citizen would be if it was in an equal society. The time frame of this book was at a time when people discriminated and were ignorant about differences. Atticus, though, was a fair lawyer and showed a sense of maturity not many others in this town had. He represented that there can be change and equalization of everybody and also that there is always good and fairness even if the world seems bad. He is more mature than most of the other characters but humble and takes the criticism. I think it's also neat how he treats everyone equally, and the same. The people who criticize him, his friends, and his children are all treated equally and fairly. Overall, Atticus Finch is a great character and shows hope that people and society will get better.

Kennedy (Oklahoma)
2/19/2013 07:18:43 am

Having someone like Atticus as a father would be a privilege. He impresses me because of his patience. Even when people insult him and his family he does not fight. Instead he kills everyone with kindness. He cares and is kind to the blacks in his community. He treats them as equals and teaches his kids to respect everyone. He is a true gentleman and an amazing role model.

Tori Alberding (Indiana)
2/20/2013 06:05:35 am

I think of Atticus as being a grown man with many secrets. Yes, he is smart and a great father, but, from where I am in the book, he is keeping a lot of things from his kids about his past. For example, when Miss Maudie called him "One-Shot Finch" right in from of Jem and Scout and the kids had no idea what she was talking about. Also, when Miss Maudie tells Jem and Scout about Atticus being the best Chess player and how he can play the Jews Harp. What I want to know is, why would Atticus keep these things from his kids?

Samantha S (Oklahoma)
2/24/2013 03:33:31 am

I don't think Atticus is purposely keeping secrets from is children. I think he is just a naturally humble person. He knows that he is good at checkers and can play a Jew's Harp. He just doesn't want to brag about it. Like Miss Maudie said, "People in their right minds never take pride in their talents."

Mykenzie Kostka (Indiana)
2/24/2013 08:28:14 am

I feel that Atticus keeps some things a secret on purpose. His kids might not need to know somethings or Atticus is a changed person and doesn't want his kids to see his old self. He might be ashamed of his old self and not want his kids' image of him to change.

2/20/2013 08:02:05 am

Paige, Oklahoma
2/20/2013 08:10:35 am

Atticus is my favorite character in the book. Harper Lee did an excellent job portraying him as the man everyone aspires to be. He is very humble, not prejudice or racist, and doesn't hide the truth from his children. He is not afraid to stand up for what is right or what he believes in which is why I think he is so admirable. Because of the relationship Atticus and Scout have, his role in the book very large. Harper Lee's real father must have been a very interesting man.

Anna (Indiana)
2/21/2013 06:10:55 am

I love the comment you made about Harper Lees's real father. I wonder if Atticus's personality and traits reflect off of Lee's own father. Did Lee's father influence the way she wrote To Kill A Mockingbird? Did Lee have an adult role model in her life who influenced the book?

Emily G
2/20/2013 08:13:48 am

Atticus shows true courage by being unwilling to succomb to the attitude of most of the other people of Maycomb. He calls the problem of racism and prejudice "the usual disease of Maycomb", and he is unwilling for his children to be affected by it. Atticus perseveres in setting a good example for his children and doing what he knows to be right despite the critism it may bring on him from other people im the town. Scout doesn't yet see how special Atticus is, but someday she will realize how lucky she was.

Emily G
2/20/2013 10:45:58 pm


Hannah P (Indiana)
2/21/2013 03:42:16 am

To me Atticus seems like a near perfect role model for his children and almost every other character in the book; slow to anger, honest, polite, and brave. He knows when to speak his mind and when to keep his mouth shut. Something that intrigues me is the fact that his children actually call him Atticus, and not dad or father. It may be that the relationship he has with his kids is based that he speaks to them as his equals the majority of the time.

Anna (Indiana)
2/21/2013 06:07:28 am

I think Atticus is a wonderful father and role model for his children. His model seems to reflect on his children's behavior throughout the book. For example, he showed his children to stand up for all races and not just whites. Scout stood up for others at school which follows her father's example. Atticus's ability to have self control is followed by Jem. Often times, Jem tells Scout to keep her mouth shut which reflects Jem following his father's mannerisms.

Courtney K. (Indiana)
2/21/2013 08:54:21 am

I think Atticus is a great father. He always is teaching his kids good morals and has great ethics himself. The fact that he is a laywer for a black man is also says a lot about him.

JACOB (Oklahoma)
2/21/2013 09:00:37 am

Atticus is my dream father. A father who respects his kids and has something about him that makes you want to know more about him is just right for me. Atticus is a role model for all young men out there in the world to be great fathers.

Demi IN
2/21/2013 09:08:40 am

I think Atticus is a great father. He treats his children with respect, cares about them, and don't want them getting into trouble. I think it's great how he is teaching Scout how to read so early. I don't see why Miss Caroline should make a big deal about Scout getting ahead, although it may not be following the proper curriculum. She should be encouraging Atticus to continue his method.

Emily B (Oklahoma)
2/23/2013 12:12:52 pm

I can't understand Miss Caroline's reason for not wanting Scout to learn outside of school; she is the only teacher that I have ever known to not want her students to make and effort to study at home. I hope that I learn more about her in the chapters that I have left to read.

2/23/2013 12:25:50 am

Atticus has to be my favorite character in the book. To be able to love and teach his kids the right way while having a busy life is fantastic. He does not fail to surprise you, such as when you find out he is the best shot in Maycomb. He is built up as a great man, and through this, you can tell Harper Lee really loved her father.

2/23/2013 01:50:42 am

Atticus is a great man for what he did at the Tom Robinson trial. He made Bob Ewell look like a fool in front of everyone in Maycomb. It shows how intelligent he really is. I have a feeling that he planned that from the beginning. His comment after Bob Ewell spit in his face was a gentlemen thing to do. Bob Ewell just further shows Atticus' genius.

Marilyn C. (Oklahoma)
2/23/2013 05:49:52 am

Atticus Finch- well whats there to say that all of you havn't said?
I truely agree with everyone of you about Atticus's moral, personality, and character. Atticus was one of the few people in this book that surprised me often. I expected him to punish his kids from time to time or blow up in rage-- but he never once did. He always has the concerns of everyone but himself on his shoulders. Even when he shot the rabid dog, he did it for the good of the town and to protect his kids(never did I expect peaceful Atticus to be an amazing shot!). Atticus is the well-bred, thoughtful, heart-felt man that every girl has the dreams of marrying.

2/23/2013 12:36:45 pm

While I view Atticus as a superior man to most, I wonder how other students felt about his off-hands parenting style. Being a single father and with a occupation as demanding as being a lawyer at his age, Atticus does not have much time to share with his two children. He does his best to help Jem and Scott be independent and resourceful, but for all of this wisedom, would you enjoy having Atticus as your father?

Jeffrey (Oklahoma)
2/26/2013 07:12:41 am

Yes Kate I would, just because he is out doing other things like his job and being pre-occupied with other things, he does care for his children without a doubt. Whenever he is around, he teaches Jem and Scout proper manners, morals, and just generally good traits/habits to have. Just because a father is around, does not mean he cares for his child as much as you would think. He could be like Bob Ewell, a drunk, insensitive moron who doesn't know the difference between a brick and a person. If I would have to choose, I would choose a father like Atticus. No, I may not see him, but at least I would know that he loves me every single day without a doubt in his mind.

Chris R (Oklahoma)
2/24/2013 12:54:41 am

The thing that impresses me most about Atticus, is that he is able to teach his kids good moral values, despite all the opposition he meets in the town. The children hear other people's prejudices against black people throughout their lives, yet they always remember what Atticus has taught them. They also hear people gossiping and bad-mouthing the way Atticus raises them, and they continue to respect him. This shows how strong the bond between Atticus and his children is.

Samantha S (Oklahoma)
2/24/2013 03:57:12 am

Why do you all think Atticus is the way he is? Compared to Aunt Alexandra, it seems to me that he has much more patience and understanding than her. She is concerned with being reputable and does not want her family associating themselves with "trash" Atticus on the other hand wants his children to focus on doing what is right, whether it may be reputable or not. How do you think Atticus came to have such a different viewpoint than his sister?

Melissa S. (Indiana)
2/24/2013 04:35:24 am

Atticus is probably my favorite character in the whole book. He is just so sweet and always trying to do the right thing and have his kids do the right things also. He is just such a great man how they describe him and he just really wants people to do the right things and be good people.

Madison B (IN)
2/24/2013 08:37:48 am

I think Atticus is a very good character in this book because he teaches his kids about the real world but encourages them to be kind to everyone. He is also teaching his kids to be different because he is not listening to what everybody else says in Maycomb.

Nate K (Oklahoma)
2/25/2013 05:18:26 am

Atticus seems like the perfect American Gentleman. He does the hard job that no one wants to do and he does it to the best of his ability. He judges what he does based on if he could look his kids in the eye after he does it. He always tries to do the right thing. He also teaches his kids to be kind to everyone.

Jasmine (Oklahoma)
2/28/2013 08:42:20 am

I love how Atticus is a gentlemen and the way he raises his children. He¨s very careful with the way he wants his children to view things. He raised them not having any knowledge of rasicm, i think thats wonderful because they accepted anyone, no matter the race. Atticus is very mature with the way he handles things and whom he gets into with. I think thats why everyone in the town gives them all their respects.

Kayla D. IN
2/28/2013 09:27:02 am

I think Atticus is a good father to Scout and Jem. He tries his hardest to always be there for his kids. He also tries to do what's best for them like bringing in Aunt Alexandria. I love how he stands up for Calpurnia, he proves that he believes all people should be treated fairly no matter what race. I think he should discipline Scout more often but yet I can understand why he doesn't want to. I also like how he isn't the type of person to hold a grudge against someone such as the Ewells. I wish we had more men like this in the world we live in now.

Brad D.
3/2/2013 04:04:36 am

Atticus is arguably the greatest character in literature, in my opinion. He's a manifestation of all the good qualities that you'd want in a person (or yourself). The only thing he's said that isn't true is that he believes at times he's failed as a father. That's one of the things he does best. We could use more people like him in this world.

Kaitlin Giager, Oklahoma
3/2/2013 07:27:05 am

In my opinion Atticus is the example of how the world should be. He is not only a great example for his kids, but he is also a great example for the town and for society. He believes that everyone should be treated equally, and that people should be judged based on their actions. By taking on Tom Robinson's case, he tries to change society by making the town see things through his point of view.

Mia DePillo (Indiana)
3/2/2013 10:13:42 pm

Atticus seems to want the best for his children. He tries so hard to make sure they get the best things out of life. He taught the daughter how to read, and the teacher didn't like that becasue no other children knew how to read. That's just one example of Atticus going above and beyond to help his children succeed in life.

Savannah Furniss IN
3/3/2013 02:28:58 am

Atticus Finch, to me has a big moral compass, and even though he is not perfect he tries his best on everything. He tries to incorporate everything as a lesson to his kids. My question about Atticus is that he seems very lonely, do you think he is really happy? Also, is he a realistic parent? He is always calm and never looses his temper, and he is always teaching his kids a lesson about life and morality. Is this a standard that is obtainable to parents? I know that even though my parents want to be, they can often loose their temper, especially if they are tired.

Eryn S.
3/3/2013 05:39:38 am

I think Atticus is an ideal father. He does everything he can for Scout and Jem. He teaches his children good morals. Although he isn't around very much, he hire Calpernia to look after the children, and later has Aunt Alexandra come to live with them. Atticus spends time with the children all most every night, when he reads to them. Atticus is a very respectable man, and he sets a good example. He always tries to do the right thing, and teaches his children to do the right thing as well. He is an example of how people should be.

Betsy (Indiana)
3/3/2013 07:17:53 am

I like Atticus because he's very much a gentleman, and with all the traits that come with that. He's respectful and patient. He's very strong and silent. Sometimes I think he's not always quite like a father, but at the same time he's the perfect image of what one should. He's also, however, down to earth and he has seen and understood the cruelties of this world.

Cameron B. (Oklahoma)
3/3/2013 08:02:29 am

Atticus is one of those ideal parents. He treats his kids with respect he always treats them like an equal which I think more parents should do. He respects there opinions but also has authority over his children. He also shows them how to be tolerant and act with equality, Atticus also is very courageous like when he stayed in front the jail so no one would get Tom.

3/3/2013 08:55:55 am

Atticus is a very humble man. Even when Bob Ewell spit in his face. he walked away and did nothing other than saying, "I wish he didn't chew so much tobacco." And that was the second time someone approached him. He never acted out of his way to anyone in town. Whether it was wrong to do the right thing Atticus always did the right thing.

Shannon, Oklahoma
3/3/2013 09:58:36 am

I like the fact that Atticus teaches his children not to judge based on skin color. Most parents do not do that especially in that day and age.

3/7/2013 05:27:57 am

I think that Atticus Finch is a peculiar man who seems to hide his feelings and thoughts inside him until it is too late. His children are terribly undereducated on the topic of their own father. I think that this is afraid of this because he does not wish for his children to be starstruck and get big heads about the things he has done. His children are so curious to the point to where they have to ask others about who there father really is. He was a great shot, an excellent lawyer, but in the end, in my eyes, not a very fatherly father.

August (Indiana)
3/9/2013 09:56:25 pm

I really liked Atticus. He seems to me to be the epitome of the ideal father. He also serves as an example to the children. He is modesty personified. He is a mellow, moderate man, who I think serves as awonderful counterpart to the time the book is set in. Pre-civil rights Alabama was a radical, hateful place. Atticus is neither of thise things, serving to make us like his character much more, and better understand the setting of the book.

Zack (Indiana)
3/10/2013 08:19:04 am

Atticus has a strong will for justice. He stands up for blacks when no one else does because he believes that they are equal to the whites. He doesn't care what other people think about him, like if what he is doing is not right in their eyes. He just does it. He is a good example of a good father. He tells his children his point of view (strong will of justice) and tries to get them to live by it. I think he is a really good person

3/10/2013 09:32:13 am

Atticus being the father of Jem and Scout has a great influence on them; with his tough relationship and strong sense of morality, courage, and justice. He shows these sense when he chooses to represent a black man,Tom Robinson,Accused of raping a white women.Doing this in a community of whites outrages them and him and his family are shunned and treated badly, but he still sticks to his thought of racial equallity.

Austin W.
3/10/2013 10:06:17 am

In my opinion, Atticus would be someone who would be a great model figure. He is a great father who dearly loves his kids and distinguishes wrong from right in any case. Whenever I read that he took the case in defending Tom Robinson during those times, I thought that no one would listen to him and the dispute would last not even an hour. When I kept reading, I found out he had many valuable questions to the case that he asked the daughter of Mr. Ewell. He is an inspiration because he took the challenge and stood up for what he believed in.

Natalie Brown (IN)
3/11/2013 06:36:42 am

I think Atticus is a good father to his kids, since he believes in equality. He doesn't let someone's race get in the way of a fair trial and he lets his kids know that even if someone has a different skin color, that they are still just like everyone else. Atticus stands up for what he believes, which is a good quality and it is excellently shown in detail by Harper Lee.

Jonah (Indiana)
3/11/2013 08:02:02 am

Atticus seems to have a very positive relationship with his children, and seems to have a good grasp on them even though their mother is gone. He handled the situation with Scout not wanting to go to school very well, and explained it in terms that made it make sense. As far as his occupation goes, he does a fantastic job of dealing with people. He is definitely an interesting character.

Kiana (Indiana)
3/11/2013 08:25:34 am

Atticus was the perfect gentleman in my point of view. It really seemed like he had a perfect family and a perfect little life.

Micaela (Indiana)
3/11/2013 10:04:34 am

The whole time I was reading the portion of the book about the court case, I noticed how composed and courteous Atticus was acting. He was also extremely clever with his actions. He asked the witnesses to repeat things due to his old age, but in reality I believe he was asking twice to see if the witness was telling the truth. If the story was different at all the second time, then the witness may be lying or not telling the entire story. I also feel Atticus is a good father. He knows when to be gentle towards Scout and Jem, but when he has to put his foot down he does so. The quality I like best about this character is his understanding. When Bob Ewell spat in Atticus’ face, he said that it was alright because it most likely saved Mayella a beating at home.

3/11/2013 10:12:41 am

Atticus seems like a cool guy. He has a great relationship with his kids and seems to be doing a great job raising tham without a wife. I think that it would be hard to raise kids without having a little help but he does a great job doing it. For example, when Scout doesn't want to go to school he simply explains to him that he has to.

Megan B(Indiana)
3/11/2013 11:15:52 am

I think Atticus is a very good teacher of morals. I like the way he is a good father, when many people in the town aren't. Although if I ever called my dad by his first name I would be in so much trouble.

Katie (Indiana)
3/11/2013 11:18:11 am

Atticus seems to be such a fun-loving dad. I would have never guessed that he is as old as he is. He just seems to relaxed and patient, especially with his kids.

Ben Schwartz
3/11/2013 11:43:32 am

Atticus is a very special guy. He has the special sense to always know the right thing is to do. He is able to sense the mood in a scene that he comes into and then does the best thing to help. His kids may get mad at him but sometime they will realize how much wisdom he actually has.


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